Data worth checking

Data, whether qualitative or quantitative, can tell a story. And when it does, we ought to pay attention.

The credibility of our work and investigation is based on gathering qualitative data from our documentary participants’ interviews (mothers, fathers, specialists, advocates, etc) and from quantitative data made easily accessible by organisations like Figure NZ or Stats NZ.

While we encourage you to explore more data or use alternative sources, if possible, here’s a selection that caught our attention:

Claire Thiveyrat

Hi, I’m Claire - I supercharge service providers with tech + creative skills to amplify their brand or diversify their revenue streams. Clarify your message to reach your ideal clients, boost your web marketing, get a digital facelift or create an online course - I’ll be the co-pilot to your online venture.

The unpaid work that GDP ignores… and why it really counts | TEDx Talk Christchurch


“How Will I Pump?’: When Your First Work Trip After Maternity Leave Is to Ukraine With President Biden”